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The Bone Chilling Fear of a Trump Rally



Why is the left so petrified of Trump rallies?

In poker there is a thing called a tell. This is where your body language gives away your cards. The Democrats biggest tell is relentlessly trying to stop a Trump rally at all costs. One thing I have learned about the left is they will try to stop anything they are fearful of. They do it out in the open. This is their tell. They have vigorously tried to shutdown Trump on Twitter and social media. Trump has 186 million followers on combined social media. He is very powerful. He has almost half the population of America on his social media with whom he can directly communicate without the faulty corrupt filter of the media. They hate not being able to shape that messaging. The media lies, then Trump can refute instantaneously to his massive following. A reporter asked Trump since he is complaining about conservative censorship on social media like twitter, has he ever thought of deleting his account? Trump said yes of course he has. Paraphrasing Trump, if I had an honest news media I wouldn’t need social media! BOOM!

The rallies are also direct contact with the people, 25% of which are registered Democrats. This is another sore spot for the left. Democrats are walking away from the party in record numbers. The Dems have adopted identity politics which makes it almost impossible to keep middle American White working class voters. So now the chase is on for illegals to fill that voter loss. They are also hurting in losing the Black vote and voter apathy of those loyal Black supporters sitting at home on election day. A new Rasmussen poll had Trump Black approval at 41%.  If he gets anywhere near that in Black voter support in the election the Democrats are done. Many Democrats voted for Trump. This is a fact the media steers clear of. But please, please let me remind you. 200 counties in America that voted twice for Barack Obama hopped on the Trump Train in 2016! This is another self inflicted wound by the Democrats. Whites who’ve voted twice to support the first Black President resent being called racist on a daily basis by the radical and mainstream left. Their policies aren’t working and they are alienating many of their core supporters. The media will cover for them and say everything is peachy keen and Trump is a monster, when in reality the Trump support is higher than Ronald Reagan among Republicans and nothing demonstrates that fact more than a good ole fashioned Trump #MAGA Rally!

People wait in line to attend President Donald Trump’s Keep America Great Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey. Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020.

Trump even had a massive crowd in the liberal state, my home state of New Jersey. Routinely there are tens of thousands of people outside of a Trump rally. There are more people outside of a Trump rally than inside of a Biden rally. Let that sink in. Trump can pull this massive crowd anywhere he goes in America dispelling the lie that he is widely unpopular. No politician in history has had Trumps consistently huge rally turn out numbers. Not even Barack Obama. This New Jersey rally was sparked by congressman Jeff van Drew who had become so disenchanted with the Democrat party threatening him that he must vote for impeachment of the president on their flimsy charges or he would be attacked and ostracized from his own party. Jeff van Drew defected and is now a proud Republican and Trump astutely rewarded the new GOP member with a massive rally in his home district that was very well received.

In politics visuals and messaging are paramount. The left does not want to juxtapose the Biden event with roughly 20 people in social distancing circles against a mega #MAGA rally from Team Trump! What is Biden’s resonating message? He has none or it could be…..C’mon man! Hillary Clinton also had no real cohesive messaging. Sooner or later they will realize you need more than I hate Trump to be your message. America wants to know what you are for not just what you are against. Trump promised to make America Great Again which in his goals made sense to middle America and Americans in general. Securing our borders, bringing manufacturing jobs back, renegotiating trade deals which sent all of our manufacturing jobs overseas, getting rid of sanctuary cities that are protecting illegal alien criminals, law and order and building a sustainably strong economy and energy independence. These are tried and true very simple policies which your average American can get behind. Most importantly he has delivered on 99% of those goals. Which aside from the skewed methodology on polling does not bode well for the stumbling bumbling Biden gaffe machine campaign.

If you have ever been in entertainment you know the best time to sell to supporters is at a live event. Trump knows this also. Many fence sitters have went to a Trump rally and saw first hand it’s not the Klan get together the media portrays it to be. I get 15 to 20 emails daily from all various aspects of the Trump campaign. They are very astute with their social media campaign, while Joe Biden has trouble making a video in his basement with written notes and grade school direction. A new Zogby Poll reported 55% of likely American voters think Joe Biden is in cognitive decline. Now with numbers like this how can you really think that Biden is a serious candidate.

Let’s look back at former President Richard Nixon. He has been vilified and taken out of the history books for getting impeached, but for historical context let’s look at some aspects of his election and presidency. After the great riots of 1968 a Republican garnered 32 states in his election. After left wing chaos and riots the country will turn to GOP law and order. Nixon’s re-election he won 49 states and he was in close consultation with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When MLK was arrested in one of his marches he called Nixon. Nixon was hesitant to get involved in the hot racially charged events and did not quickly get back in touch with Dr. King. The Kennedy campaign seized the political opportunity and that gesture of goodwill to Dr. King swung many Blacks to the Democrat party. So many are thinking the chaos and riots will be blamed on Trump while just the opposite will happen.

The Trump Tulsa rally will be the biggest one yet and that is saying something for the campaign which regularly packs arenas nationwide. The Democrats will futilely try to smear and stop it in anyway possible but the juggernaut will powerfully move forward.


By Michael Ameer


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Lucas Gage Returns to X After Exposing Palestine Atrocities & Ban Over Alleged Harassment



In today’s digital age, social media platforms serve as vital tools for raising awareness and advocating for causes. However, they also present challenges such as harassment and censorship. Recently, actor and activist Lucas Gage faced these challenges head-on when his X account was suspended for several months following harassment from certain groups unhappy with his efforts to expose war atrocities in Palestine. Now, after a prolonged absence, Gage has returned to X, ready to resume his important work of shedding light on crucial issues.

Lucas Gage, known for his roles in various television shows and films, has also been vocal about social justice issues, particularly regarding the Palestinian cause. His advocacy drew the ire of individuals and groups who disagreed with his stance. Gage utilized his platform on X to spotlight the human rights violations and war atrocities occurring in Palestine, which led to backlash from some pro-Israeli factions.

The backlash against Gage escalated into harassment, predominantly from individuals identifying themselves as Zionists. He faced a barrage of abusive messages, threats, and attempts to undermine his activism. Despite his efforts to report and block the harassers, the situation persisted, taking a toll on Gage’s mental well-being and sense of safety.

In a controversial decision, X suspended Gage’s account, citing violations of its community guidelines. Many criticized X for what they perceived as a failure to address harassment effectively, especially given the circumstances surrounding Gage’s case. The ban sparked debates about freedom of expression, censorship, and the responsibilities of social media platforms in safeguarding users from harassment and abuse.

After a hiatus spanning several months, Lucas Gage has made his comeback to X. His return has been met with an outpouring of support from fellow activists, fans, and individuals concerned about censorship and human rights. Gage expressed gratitude for the overwhelming solidarity he received during his absence and reiterated his dedication to advocating for justice and raising awareness about the plight of the Palestinian people.

The incident involving Lucas Gage underscores the significance of advocacy and the hurdles activists encounter, especially when addressing contentious issues. It also highlights the complexities of navigating social media platforms where differing viewpoints often clash, sometimes resulting in hostility and censorship.

As Gage resumes his activism on X, it is imperative to continue discussions about online harassment, censorship, and the necessity for improved mechanisms to shield users from abuse. Social media companies must reevaluate their policies and enforcement strategies to ensure that platforms remain spaces for constructive dialogue and activism, rather than avenues for harassment and stifling dissenting voices.

Lucas Gage’s return to X serves as a testament to the resilience of individuals committed to social justice causes despite facing obstacles and adversity. His experience sheds light on broader issues surrounding online harassment and censorship, prompting important conversations about the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse. As Gage continues his advocacy, his story serves as inspiration for others to speak out against injustice and strive for positive change.

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Rabbi Shmuley Having ‘Nervous Breakdown’ says Alex Jones



In the whirlwind of social media controversies, few can match the intensity and unpredictability of Alex Jones. Known for his provocative statements and unyielding conspiracy theories, Jones recently took to Twitter to express his disdain for Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s Purim costume choice.

In a scathing tweet, Jones condemned Rabbi Shmuley’s attire and behavior, accusing him of having a “nervous breakdown.” The rabbi had donned a costume portraying what he termed a “Candace Owens Jew,” accompanied by a bizarre ensemble featuring references to money and a provocative assertion about Jewish identity.

“For Purim I’ve dressed up as a Candace Owens Jew,” Rabbi Shmuley wrote, adding a string of controversial remarks about Jewish stereotypes and dual loyalties. The costume, seemingly intended as a satirical commentary, sparked outrage and criticism from many quarters.

Jones, never one to shy away from confrontation, seized the opportunity to denounce Rabbi Shmuley’s actions. “You go around starting fights with people and then flip out when they respond,” Jones tweeted. He urged the rabbi to seek help for the sake of his family, implying that Rabbi Shmuley’s behavior was symptomatic of a deeper issue.

The exchange between Jones and Rabbi Shmuley highlights the complexities of social media and the power of provocative speech. Both figures are no strangers to controversy, with Jones notorious for his conspiracy-laden rants and Rabbi Shmuley often courting controversy with his outspoken views on various issues.

Purim, a Jewish holiday known for its revelry and merrymaking, is traditionally marked by costume parties and playful satire. However, Rabbi Shmuley’s choice of attire crossed a line for many, tapping into sensitive issues of anti-Semitism and racial stereotypes.

By dressing as a caricatured version of a “Candace Owens Jew,” Rabbi Shmuley waded into dangerous territory, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing negative perceptions of Jewish people. His attempt at satire fell flat for many, instead sparking condemnation and outrage.

In response, Alex Jones delivered a blistering rebuke, calling out Rabbi Shmuley’s behavior and urging him to seek help. While Jones himself is no stranger to controversy, his criticism of Rabbi Shmuley’s costume choice underscores the seriousness of the issue at hand.

In an era where social media amplifies voices and magnifies controversies, individuals must exercise caution and responsibility in their online interactions. What may seem like harmless satire to some can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and fuel division.

As the dust settles on this latest social media skirmish, it serves as a reminder of the power of words and the importance of thoughtful discourse. In a world already fraught with tensions and divisions, it is incumbent upon all of us to strive for understanding and empathy, even in the midst of disagreement.

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AG Ken Paxton: “SB 4, is Now In Effect”



In the heart of Texas, amidst the sweltering heat and the vast expanse of rugged terrain, a battle was being waged—a battle not fought with guns and swords, but with words and legal maneuvers. It was a clash between the Lone Star State and the might of the federal government, with the fate of immigration law hanging in the balance.

Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, stood at the forefront of this struggle. With unwavering determination and a deep sense of duty, he had taken up the mantle to defend Texas and its sovereignty against what he saw as overreach from the Biden Administration.

Just a few minutes ago, he had sent a tweet echoing across the digital landscape, announcing a monumental victory: “🚨🚨 HUGE WIN: Texas has defeated the Biden Administration’s and ACLU’s emergency motions at the Supreme Court. Our immigration law, SB 4, is now in effect.”

The news reverberated through the state like a thunderclap, igniting a spark of hope in the hearts of many Texans who had felt their voices drowned out by the clamor of national politics.

Among those who felt the weight of this victory was Maria Sanchez, a young immigrant who had come to Texas in search of a better life. For years, she had lived in the shadows, fearing the consequences of being discovered by authorities. But now, with SB 4 in effect, she felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps she could finally step out into the light without fear.

On the other side of the divide stood federal agents, tasked with enforcing the laws of the land as decreed by the Biden Administration. They watched with frustration as their efforts were thwarted by legal challenges and political maneuvering.

But for Ken Paxton, this victory was not just about winning in court—it was about standing up for what he believed was right. It was about defending the values and principles that he held dear, even in the face of adversity.

“As always, it’s my honor to defend Texas and its sovereignty, and to lead us to victory in court,” he declared, his words resounding with conviction.

The battle may have been won for now, but the war was far from over. In the days and weeks to come, the struggle between state and federal authority would continue to unfold, shaping the destiny of not just Texas, but the entire nation.

But for now, amidst the heat of the Lone Star State, a moment of triumph had been achieved—a testament to the resilience and determination of those who dared to stand up and fight for what they believed in.

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